In the business operation, the Company wants to have the constant development and growth for its business firmness and sustainability. The Company aims at operating the business, associated with making valuable contributions to the Thai society. It creates and shares happiness with communities. At every stage of business operation, the Company sincerely cares for the quality of life and environment with a strong belief that the supports offered to each other, including employees, customers, and shareholders as well as society and environment would entail its sustainable growth. Under the business operation policy, the Company delivers the prompt, cost-efficient, and qualified services for customers’ highest satisfaction with care for the social and environmental development.
1. Responsibility for Connected Persons, Good Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
The Company has operated the business by adhering to the proper, transparent, and fair management. Additionally, all employees in the organization have been rooted to recognize both quality and morality, which always originate the organization value.
2. Responsibility for Customers, Shareholders, Employees and Other Stakeholders
The Company values all shareholders, customers, and employees. It aims to increase the profit by reducing the cost and expenses. The Company conducts campaigns against corruption, eradicates embezzlers, promotes good and honest people, sustains morality, and encourages all of its employees to solve any problem collectively and tangibly.
3. Responsibility for Employees
Every employee is the most valuable asset of the Company. Thai Polycons puts efforts into the personnel development, and encourages all staff to be concerned about their working quality and professional ethics; meanwhile, the compensation, career path and other fringe benefits are adequately provided to them.
4. Responsibility for Environment
The Company’s business operation is always subjected to care for the environment conservation and safety standards while the energy conservation has been promoted consistently.
5. Responsibility for Society
A successful and sustainable business development is necessarily derived from a good organization that is widely accepted by the society. Non-stop Doing Good Deeds Projects carried out by the Company supports the society in several matters. The morality projects include:
- School Facilities from Elder to Younger Project
- One-Baht at Dawn and One-Baht at Dusk for Students’ Lunch Project
- Disaster Victim Mitigation Project
In every project, the Company focuses on the development of people in communities along with people in the organization to have the conscious mind, quality, vision, and good mission for the communities and the whole society.
Materiality Matrix Evaluation
The evaluation steps start from studying, analyzing, and summarizing to understand all impact affecting the Company’s stakeholders from topstream, midstream, and downstream, which include the suppliers, customers, employees, and local communities. Then, the Company identifies the material issues that the stakeholders focus on and that are important for the Company’s business operation in order that its business operation is efficient and sustainable, and also responds to an expectation of all groups of stakeholders of the Company, and to increasing business changes and challenges from the crisis. The evaluation steps for material issues are as follows:
• Step 1 : Identifying sustainable issues of stakeholders
• Step 2 : Prioritization of sustainability issues
• Step 3 : Validation
• Step 4 : Review and Evaluation
This report encompasses nine key sustainability issues, including sub-issues that are closely managed and administered. The data on the progress of each issue has been modified from the previous report due to the company’s system upgrades in data storage and content format for operations outside the scope of this report. For reference, you can access the annual reports of Thai Polycons Public Company Limited or download this report from